Technical Publications

Name Download Type Effective Date Effectivity Range Time Limit Content Status
SL0006 Service Letter 2019-03-01 CC18-180 S/N 0001 AND ON NO REQUIRED COMPLIANCE TIME This Service Letter provides instruction to remove WIPAIRE 2100 floats and install the landing gear assembly to convert CC18-180 aircraft from seaplane configuration to a land configuration. Completed
SL0005 Service Letter 2017-01-05 REAR CONTROL STICK COVER KIT INSTALLATION NO REQUIRED COMPLIANCE TIME Allows the removal of the rear control stick and installation of a rear stick cover. Completed
SB0017 Service Bulletin 2016-11-15 CC18-180 serial numbers 0002-0083 The next 100 hours or annual check-up, and continue to check until Part B is completed. Stabilizer Yoke Inspection Completed, updated parts installed, refer to TC2501 (detail column item 31)
SI18-0001 Service Instruction 2015-10-29 Notification of potential decreased service life of SLICK magneto assemblies. Immediately LYCOMING AND SLICK/CHAMPION AEROSPACE SERVICE BULLETIN ISSUANCE Completed
SL0003 Service Letter 2014-03-13 CC18-0001 AND ON No required compliance time Winterization Kit Installation Completed
SB0015 Service Bulletin 2013-11-01 CC18-180A serial number 0001. CC18-180 serial numbers 0002-0065 Within the next 50 hours, or at the annual check-up, the expiration date shall prevail. Control Stick Clevis Bolt Completed, using the new installation method, refer to TC2504 (Note 10)
SB0014 Service Bulletin 2013-01-24 CC18-180 serial numbers 0056-0059 Within the next 50 hours, or at the annual check-up, the expiration date shall prevail. Seat Belt Installation Completed, refer to TC2430
SB0013 Service Bulletin 2011-03-31 CC18-180A serial number 0001. CC18-180 serial numbers 0002-0048 Within the next 50 hours, or at the annual check-up, the expiration date shall prevail. Magnetic Compass Deviation Completed and installed, refer to TC9351 (item 55 in detail)
SB0012 Service Bulletin 2009-09-14 CC18-180A serial number 0001. CC18-180 serial numbers 0002-0038 Five hours later, or as far as possible before the next flight Aileron Cable Pulley Diameter Inspection Completed, refer to TC1900 (detail column item 4)
SB0010 Service Bulletin 2009-08-25 CC18-180A serial number 0001. CC18-180 serial numbers 0002-0035 Next maintenance time Exhaust Shroud Clearance to Engine Frame Completed, install and update parts, refer to TC5308 (detail column item 16)
SB0011 Service Bulletin 2009-05-29 CC18-180A serial number 0001. CC18-180 serial numbers 0002-0020 Next maintenance or annual inspection Double Safety Clevis Pins Completed, installed and updated parts, refer to TC3000
SB0009 Service Bulletin 2009-01-12 CC18-180A serial number 0001. CC18-180 serial number 0002-0032 Next maintenance time Front Lap Belt Floor Mounting Bolts Updated fasteners have been installed. Refer to TC2430
SB0008 Service Bulletin 2008-05-29 CC18-180A serial number 0001. CC18-180 serial numbers 0002 to 0022, 0024 to 0026 Before next flight Sliding Window Handle Channel Completed, updated parts installed, refer to TC2003 (detail column item 13)
SB0007 Service Bulletin 2006-03-13 CC18-180 serial number 0002,0004,0005,0007,0008,0009,0011 Part A is a daily inspection item. Part B will be inspected next time, or it will reach 200 hours, o Fuel Tanks Completed, updated parts installed, refer to TC7100
SB0006 Service Bulletin 2006-02-20 CC18-180A serial number 0001. CC18-180 serial numbers 0002-0020 Before the next flight of Part A, less than 20 hours after Part B Fuel Selector Handle Completed, updated parts installed, refer to TC7010 (detail column item 5)
SB0005 Service Bulletin 2006-01-05 CC18-180A serial number 0001. CC18-180 serial numbers 0002 to 0013, and 0016 Next 100-hour inspection or annual inspection, whichever is due first Installation of one-way check valve in gas tank ventilation conduit It has been completed and installed. Refer to Figure TC1210 (Detailed Column Item 1)
SB0004 Service Bulletin 2005-11-17 CC18-180A serial number 1 CC18-180 serial number 0002, 0003, 0004, 0005 Next regular check, or 200 hours ago. Firewall Grommet Shields Completed and installed. Reference drawing TC5100